Lemon, brown butter, cardamom and poppy seed cake with lemon curd


I love lemons. All citrus, really. Fresh lime juice in a cocktail, baked into coconut lime shortbread bars or with spicy pork or chicken in a savory dish. Tangerines and clementines for breakfast, lunch and dinner or candied and served with a ginger-orange cheesecake. Lemon zest with roasted chicken or fresh-squeezed lemonade in the summer. The possibilities are endless.

I bought some poppy seeds a few weeks ago and have been searching for a use for them. Jérôme’s been craving a lemon tart for weeks, but each week our lemons manage to find another purpose. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to try something new.

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Brown butter chocolate chip cookies with vanilla bean-infused fleur de sel


I know the holidays have been over for a while now, but I can’t stop making cookies. It’s safe to say that I spend a considerable amount of time pouring and salivating over food blogs. It’s also no secret that I bookmark a lot of recipes, most of which cater more to my sweet tooth than to, say, my physical need to eat in order to survive. I went overboard during the holidays, blaming winter and convincing myself that I actually needed the extra calories to get through the season. But I just can’t seem to stop myself. Finding a recipe for chocolate chip cookies with sea salt on the internet did not help matters.


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